We believe strategy does not have to be complicated. In simple terms, strategy is about finding the advantage you will use to win. We use our own proprietary franchise process and software to craft a strategy that will allow you to win in your business. Outlined below are our 7 steps to create a winning strategy:

Franchise Strategy Co. Process

1 – Vision

Only when we understand where you want to go can we begin to navigate in this direction. Here, we work to either define or understand your vision.  This is where we articulate where you envision your business long-term.  To execute on your vision, we seek to define or understand your daily mission and the values that will support you in getting to your results. 

2 – Size-Up & Fact Find

We mine the data to understand your business performance and the industry outlook.  Using tools such as PEST, SWOT, and Porter’s 5 Principles, we seek to understand your business and the operating environment both today and into the future.  At this stage, we are looking to objectively measure business performance through any and all data sources including: financial scorecards, NPS, marketing, and field related KPI’s. 

3 – Goals & OKR’s

We now bring together vision and facts to create the strategy and tactics.  With the vision and an understanding of your business, we are now able to set the strategic goals, objectives, and key results the business will seek to achieve over the short and mid-term to achieve its mission and vision.

4 – Share & Communicate

A strategy can only succeed if everyone is aware of what it is and what they need to do.  The strategy is communicated to stakeholders and rolled out through strategy software to allow stakeholders to track company, department, and employee progress.

5 – Progress Updates

Using data and feedback, the strategy is honed.  Here, we check in on a quarterly basis to support your communication of results and progress with stakeholders. 

Franchise Strategy Software

6 – Hit Goals

We believe in small wins.  Tracking accomplishments and achieving them allows for stakeholders to know you’re achieving what you set out to do. 

7 – Review & Renew

You’re now a strategist.  Towards the end of the year, we reflect on progress and determine the success of the strategy.  From here, we renew the strategy with new goals and OKR’s and go into the new year with another winning strategy! 

A Message From Our Founder

We love strategy and helping franchisees and franchisors win! If you’re considering a strategy and would like to leverage our consulting expertise please review our free resources, and articles, and when ready please reach out for a down to earth discussion about what you’re looking to win at.
Ron R