About Franchise Strategy Co.
We SIMPLIFY and ENERGIZE an often-complicated process — delivering a CLEAR and EXECUTABLE FRANCHISE BUSINESS STRATEGY for all stakeholders.
Our Story
20 years in franchising. From managing a family-owned franchise to leading emerging and mature franchisors and multi-unit franchisees.
After experiencing the challenges of strategic planning in franchise companies, Ron realized the need to simplify the process so franchise businesses of ALL sizes can benefit from having a winning strategy. Many franchise companies lack a strategic plan, and even those that have one often struggle to execute it due to being consumed by day-to-day operations.
They may talk a good game, but actions speak otherwise.
Ron firmly believes that an effective strategy should be seamlessly integrated into every aspect of a company’s operations and comprehensively understood by all. Adopting a “set-it-and-forget-it” approach renders it meaningless.
By streamlining this process and making it meaningful and accessible to all, Ron embarked on a mission to assist organizations in focusing on what truly matters, what drives growth, and what aligns with all stakeholders. Strategy is not something you strive for; it is the process by which you run the business.


What you can Expect Working with Us
We are down to earth and easy to speak to.
We don’t use complicated industry or academic jargon.
We know how to talk strategy and make it easy for others to understand what we’re saying.
We love storytelling. We love storytelling.We love storytelling. We love storytelling.
Business books tell a story of how to be better in business but through the lens of people who may not be in the business world. Some of our favourite reads include:

Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World
Admiral William H. McRaven

Raise Your Game
Alan Stein Jr.

Braving the Wilderness
Brene Brown